NexusTek offers a Virtual CIO or vCIO with any of its managed IT plans as an add-on service. The vCIO is an executive-level technology leader who possesses in-depth knowledge on both technology and business, as well as the interconnections between the two. As technology has advanced and become more complex (and pervasive) over the years, business leaders increasingly recognize that a business’ IT cannot truly be separated from its business strategy. Thus, it is important to create an IT strategy that is aligned with your business strategy. This is easier said than done, as business leaders are not typically well versed in IT, and IT leaders may not have much experience with the principles of business management. A vCIO does have knowledge of both areas, however, and because of this can provide invaluable insights that business leaders can use to make more informed and strategic IT decisions. With NexusTek as your managed service provider, you can add a vCIO on an ongoing basis, effectively adding a technology leader to your executive team. Or you can add a vCIO on a time-limited basis, which may be useful when planning IT overhauls or for IT assessments in areas like cybersecurity, modernization, or IT spend.