Working from home was once a desired work environment for many people. It has now become a necessary work environment due to limitations and precautions on many county, state and federal levels.
Sure, it is nice to work from your couch, but there are ways to ensure that you do not experience burn out and make sure productivity is at the top of your priority list.
At NexusTek, we have navigated through the COVID-19 Pandemic well. Thanks to technology and our people, productivity was not lost when we moved our entire staff to a remote workforce.
Here are some main tips that we have learned and want to share:
Ensure that you have the right technology solutions in place to maintain your daily workload. Using Microsoft Teams, Remote Access Software, and Desktop as a Service have been key components to our overall ability to carry on business with no decline in productivity.
Develop a space within your home specific for work. Sure, sometimes you want to sit on your couch and finish that report that is due tomorrow. For the most part, it is best to have an area that you work in within your home. This builds a boundary for not only you, but for others in the household. This, in turn, minimizes interruptions.
Set boundaries for your time. Whether this means blocking out your day for specific tasks or designating days for specific types of work, this will keep you more focused and minimize distractions throughout your day. Don’t forget to give yourself time for breaks, lunch or a refresher walk.
Empower your employees and make them a part of the success. Scott Ray talks about how much the employees impact the level of productivity when working remotely. A major factor in the success of a remote workforce lies within the amount of employee empowerment within a company. Realize that people are your best asset and without them, productivity doesn’t exist.
Keep your personal well-being front of mind. Productivity is important in times like these, but nothing is as important as you and your family’s well-being. Ensure that you are taking time out of each day for family- whether that means going on a walk, playing an organized game in your yard, or playing a board game- your health and your family will keep you going so that you are able to work long-term without burnout.
Want to learn more about working from home and the best tips?
Go to NexusTek’s LinkedIn page to view our series called “Ask the Experts.” Respond in LinkedIn with your questions!