Your 2020 IT Budget either has its number solidified or you are in the final stages of approval. The challenge with your 2020 IT budget is less about the actual number assigned but rather about the projects and maintenance required to ensure your business either continues normal operations or enhances operations to achieve growth.
First and foremost, your expectations should be defined to ensure you are using your IT budget at an optimal level. If your expectations are to get a new server and keep your operating systems up-to-date, then you are missing the mark. Your expectations should directly align with your 2020 strategic goals. For example, rather than an expectation of getting a new server your expectation should align with the “why” behind getting a new server and what will that upgrade will do for your business and your IT Infrastructure? Keeping your goals front-of-mind throughout your decision-making process is imperative. It makes it more about technology improving basic business processes and procedures rather than just another component of technology.
From what we have experienced through years of helping businesses with their IT infrastructure, here are some areas that should be “non-negotiables” for your IT budget.
NexusTek helps clients with developing a technology plan that goes along with projected budgets. For more information on how to improve and secure your business in 2020 with the use of technology, Contact Us!