Case Study: Retail Manufacturer and Distributor

Through an in-depth Cybersecurity Assessment and implementation of resulting recommendations, NexusTek assisted a retail manufacturer and distributor to address multiple existing security vulnerabilities, greatly reducing their exposure to cybersecurity risk.


Colorado, USA


350+ employees


Privately Held

Solutions Benefits

Instituted policies and procedures that reduce risk of security incidents.

Employee security awareness training to improve adherence to best practices.

Revamped password practices to better control user access while promoting ease of use.

Implemented 24x7x365 monitoring to immediately spot threats and issue alerts.

Provide ongoing IT leadership for proactive security policy and procedure management.

Business Need

With a 40-year history, the company diversified its offerings to cater to retailers and wholesalers, providing health, beauty, wellness products, eye wear, electronics, and more. Following this growth trajectory, the company completed two acquisitions in 2018, employing over 350 staff and managing multiple distribution centers and products in collaboration with retailers and wholesalers nationwide.

While achieving business success, the company faced setbacks due to two distinct security breaches, prompting concerns about their cybersecurity measures. Despite prior cybersecurity efforts, the breaches revealed vulnerabilities in their approach. Seeking enhanced security, the company turned to NexusTek for assistance in reinforcing their cybersecurity posture.


NexusTek’s Virtual CIO conducted a comprehensive Cybersecurity Assessment for the company, utilizing a multi-method approach aligned with the NIST framework. The assessment encompassed interviews, documentation review, automated scanning, on-site evaluations, and network discovery tools. Following the assessment, a detailed report was provided, outlining vulnerabilities and risk areas, along with cybersecurity solutions tailored to each identified issue. This enabled the company to comprehend the interlinked vulnerabilities impacting their overall security risk and receive targeted recommendations for mitigation.


In response to the vCIO’s Cybersecurity Assessment report, the company initiated a comprehensive cybersecurity enhancement initiative, leveraging both technical and non-technical measures to bolster their security stance and mitigate risks. They engaged a NexusTek vCIO to provide continuous technology leadership, facilitating proactive security measures and best practices implementation. Recognizing a significant security gap, they collaborated with the vCIO to establish a formal cybersecurity program encompassing policy development, employee training, and ongoing risk assessment. Embracing managed cybersecurity services from NexusTek, they ensured constant network monitoring and real-time threat alerts. Addressing password vulnerabilities, they transitioned to multifactor authentication and stringent password practices. A secure coding process was implemented within their Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to curb custom code vulnerabilities. They also established systems hardening standards to reduce misconfigurations and risks. Adopting a comprehensive IT security policy framework, including acceptable technology use and change management policies, the company underwent a cybersecurity transformation, achieving heightened resilience through technology-driven solutions and strategic leadership.

This case study was prepared with the customer’s full knowledge and involvement. To respect the customer’s privacy, we have omitted their name, logo, and any other identifying information.

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