Case Study: A Fully Online University

NexusTek supported this online university to fulfill its mission by assuming responsibility for network and server monitoring, ensuring that students can access their course spaces and materials at any time.


U.S. Mountain West Region


600+ employees


Public University

Solutions Benefits

Gives students reliable access to resources

Reduces demands on internal IT team

Reduces threat of OS hacking

Minimizes system downtime

Keeps client updated on infrastructure

Business Need

As a fully online university, the university required consistent, reliable online access for both students and instructors due to its focus on accommodating adult learners with busy schedules. Ensuring uninterrupted access to learning resources 24/7 is crucial. To meet this need, the university sought a managed service provider (MSP) to take charge of server and network monitoring. Their goal was to find an MSP that could proactively maintain the infrastructure and prevent downtime, rather than just responding to issues reactively.


To support this customer to maintain system reliability, NexusTek shaped an infrastructure co-management services agreement around the customer’s unique needs. Leveraging Fortinet technology, NexusTek implemented network monitoring within the university’s environment. NexusTek also assumed responsibility for proactive monitoring of the customer’s servers, as well as for installing software patches and updates.

To ensure the university is equipped to respond effectively to disaster events that might cause downtime and data loss, NexusTek prepared a disaster recovery plan. NexusTek also provided a Service Delivery Manager (SDM) to provide the university’s IT leadership with regular updates on their infrastructure and any upcoming needs.


NexusTek’s integration into the university’s IT co-management team has greatly improved network and server reliability, which is crucial for offering flexible learning experiences to students with varying schedules. They ensure continuous server monitoring, providing essential, anytime access to online learning platforms for students’ classes, collaboration, and resource access. Through proactive maintenance and regular meetings with a Service Delivery Manager (SDM), NexusTek helps prevent disruptions in the learning experience, enabling informed infrastructure decisions. Furthermore, they manage server patches for security and have created a disaster plan to guide the university in crises, enhancing data protection and rapid recovery. These comprehensive services ensure smooth instruction delivery, maintain a dependable working environment for faculty and staff, and allow university IT leaders to focus on long-term strategic initiatives.

This case study was prepared with the customer’s full knowledge and involvement. To respect the customer’s privacy, we have omitted their name, logo, and any other identifying information.

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