A New Chapter in Innovation and Service at NexusTek

Author: Hamilton Yu, CEO of NexusTek

Dear NexusTek Community,

As I take on the role of Chief Executive Officer at NexusTek, I am filled with both excitement and a deep sense of responsibility. The journey ahead is one that we will navigate together, building upon a robust foundation laid by my predecessor, Bill Wosilius, and the many dedicated individuals who have shaped this remarkable organization.

My path to NexusTek has been shaped by over 28 years of passion and curiosity in the tech industry. From my early days at Accenture, through transformative leadership roles at Nuance Communications and most recently Taos—an IBM company—I have focused on driving technological innovations and delivering exceptional client solutions. At Taos, we embraced the shift towards cloud technologies and enhanced our service capabilities, a journey I intend to continue and expand upon here at NexusTek.

The Future of NexusTek: Expanding Our Horizons with AI, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Solutions​

The landscape of technology, especially in AI, cloud services, and cybersecurity, is evolving at an unprecedented pace. As the CEO of NexusTek, I understand how vital the integration of hybrid cloud technologies, AI, and cybersecurity is for businesses to thrive in today’s digital-first environment. These essential technologies form a foundation that drives efficiency, scalability, and innovation for businesses in a competitive landscape.

As a result, NexusTek will establish dedicated practices and expand our services to better serve our valued customers and meet their unique needs and goals. This includes our commitment to providing superior managed IT services while focusing on hybrid cloud environments, generative AI, and data security solutions. This strategic shift ensures that NexusTek not only keeps pace with but leads the evolution in IT innovation, providing our customers with the advanced solutions and expertise required to navigate the increasingly complex digital landscape.

Cybersecurity and cloud services offer clients enhanced data protection, cost efficiency, scalability, and operational agility, ensuring business continuity and fostering innovation in a secure, compliant environment—and NexusTek is poised to harness this potential to benefit our clients.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to our existing customers, ensuring they feel supported and valued as we continue to provide the exceptional service and solutions they have come to expect. Simultaneously, we are excited to showcase our innovative offerings like cybersecurity, cloud services, and AI which are designed to propel businesses forward.

Deepening Our Commitment to Core Values

Our success is not just measured by the technologies we master or the services we provide; It is deeply rooted in the values we uphold. As the new CEO, I am committed to building on the strong legacy NexusTek has created and I pledge to continue advancing these principles as we move forward.

  • Passionate Customer Service: We will continue to place our clients at the heart of everything we do, ensuring their needs and aspirations are met with enthusiasm and expertise.
  • Hire and Retain the Best People: NexusTek will remain a beacon for talent, where the brightest minds come to grow their careers and contribute to industry-leading initiatives.
  • Treat People with Respect: We are committed to treating everyone with respect, fostering an environment where dignity and fairness are paramount.
  • Be Accountable: We remain accountable in all our endeavors—if we stumble, we are committed to making it right.
  • Be Responsible Stewards of Our Business: We will manage our resources ethically and sustainably, focusing on long-term success and upholding our commitment to the well-being of the business.
  • Engage in a Meaningful Way with Our Community: We pledge to engage meaningfully with our communities, enriching the environments in which we operate.
  • Integrity – Say What We Do, and Do What We Say: NexusTek will consistently act with honesty and fulfill our promises, aligning our actions with our words.

Looking Forward

With the support of our talented team and guidance from our newly appointed Executive Chairman, Bobby Christian, I am confident in our collective ability to advance NexusTek’s mission. Our focus on innovation, backed by a relentless commitment to customer satisfaction, will drive us toward new opportunities and greater achievements.

In closing, I invite each of you to join me in this exciting chapter. Your insights, hard work, and passion are the keystones of our future success. Together, we will explore new horizons and continue to deliver the exceptional service that defines NexusTek.

Warm regards,

Hamilton Yu
CEO, NexusTek